Jerry Lee Lewis Page 51
“Flip, Flop and Fly,” 320
floods, 19–20, 28, 72, 80
Florida, 258, 297
Fogerty, John, 426–30, 453, 454
Foley, Red, 143
folk music, 180
“Folsom Prison Blues,” 160
food, 40, 58, 127, 210, 313, 412
Haney’s, 80
shortages, 40
Sonic, 467–68
football, 97
Ford Motor Co., 101–2, 107
“For the Good Times,” 366
Foster, Stephen, 369, 402, 436
Fowlkes, Joe, 8
Frampton, Peter, 368
France, 368, 440
Francis, Connie, 219
Francis, Gail, 310–11, 465
Francisco, Dr. Jerry, 422
Freed, Alan, 219, 243–44, 251, 256, 296, 429
Big Beat tour, 251–58
Freeman, Charlie, 324
Friend, Clifford, 93
Fritts, Donnie, 387
Frizzell, Lefty, 111
Fudpucker, Elmer, 385, 389
“Funny How Time Slips Away,” 322
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 339
gambling, 23, 26, 80–81
“Games People Play,” 366
Georgia, 296
Germany, 245, 283
Lewis in, 316–18
World War II, 60
“Get Rhythm,” 186, 416
Gilley, Edna, 36
Gilley, Irene, 45
Gilley, Mickey, 36, 53, 58, 71, 75, 226, 332, 402, 410–11, 416
Glasscock, Fannie Sue Herron, 75
Golden Hits of Jerry Lee Lewis, The, 319–20
Goldston Sports Arena performance, 445–46
Good, Jack, 327, 334, 337–38, 340
“Good Golly Miss Molly,” 317, 377
“Goodnight, Irene,” 104, 180
“Good Rockin’ Tonight,” 156
Gordon, Loy, 102
Gordon, Roscoe, 159
Gordy, Berry, 299
Gorman, Marvin, 435
gospel, 67, 76, 73–75, 103, 112–19, 131, 174, 357, 360–62, 363, 402, 411
Graceland, 194, 227, 234, 245, 259, 283, 284, 389, 397–400
Lewis’s car accident at, 398–400, 403
Grammy Awards, 434, 445
Grand Ole Opry, 4, 70, 78, 93–95, 126, 131, 141–44, 201, 259, 374, 375, 385
Lewis at, 375–77
Grant, Ulysses S., 25
“Great Balls of Fire,” 214–19, 220, 221, 224–25, 243, 246, 250, 254, 255, 263, 315, 321, 390, 430, 440, 455, 465
B-side, 225–26
recording of, 214–19
record sales, 224–25, 250
Great Balls of Fire (movie), 437–40
Great Britain, 226, 263, 318, 365
Lewis in, 264–76, 298, 303–4, 306–9, 315–16, 367–74, 410, 418–19, 440
Parliament, 274
press, 267–76, 281, 306–9
Greatest Live Show on Earth, The (album), 318
“Green, Green Grass of Home,” 322, 348
Green, Jules, 202–3
Green, Pearry Lee, 115–19, 354
guitar, 65, 71, 73, 77, 82, 85–86, 88, 142, 143, 163–65, 191, 255, 324, 329–30, 405, 412
amplifiers, 159
early rock-and-roll, 163–65
Fender Stratocaster, 330
Gibson, 126
Silvertone, 163
steel, 138
guns, 324, 371, 388–90, 394, 397–99
accidental shootings, 394
Guterman, Jimmy, 440
Guy, Buddy, 453
“Hadacol Boogie,” 111, 453
Haggard, Merle, 349, 391, 453
Hall, Roy, 143, 147–48, 150
Hamburg, Germany, 316–18
Hamilton, Roy, 233, 320
Haney, Will, 78, 80, 85, 86–87, 327
Haney’s Big House, 77–88, 132, 215, 257, 292, 327, 432, 438, 454
Hargrave, Ronald, 259
Harman Buddy, 412
harp, 83
Harrelson, Cecil, 53, 90–91, 98, 108–9, 110–11, 287–90, 294–96, 332, 371
Harris, Emmylou, 391
Harris, Wynonie, 156
Harrison, George, 391
“Haunted House,” 384
Hawaii, 247
Hawk, The, 301
Hawkins, Hawk, 324
Helms, Don, 138
“Help Me Make It Through the Night,” 346
Henley, Don, 453
Hernando’s Hideaway, 386–87, 395, 425
Herron, George, 304
Herron, Theresa Lee, 29, 30
Herron, Will, 29, 30, 65
“Hey, Good Lookin’,” 94
Hezekiah and the House Rockers, 82
“High School Confidential,” 258–59, 263
High School Confidential (movie), 258–59
Highway 61, 141, 154, 159, 196, 429
“Hi-Heel Sneakers,” 320
hillbilly music, 64, 69, 72, 102, 103, 104, 111, 123, 126, 132, 141, 156, 159, 221, 259, 270
Hilltop Club, 123
hip-hop, 152
Hi Records, 76
History of Concordia Parish (Calhoun), 25
hitchhiking, 60–61
“Hit the Road, Jack,” 320
Holland, 444
Holland, W. S. “Fluke,” 169
Holliday, Billie, 198, 222
Holly, Buddy, 232, 243, 247, 428–29
Big Beat tour, 251–56
death of, 299
Lewis and, 247, 249–50
Holly, Maria Elena, 429
Hollywood, 137, 194, 208, 219–20, 230–34, 261, 296–97, 300, 335–42, 391, 437
Hollywood Walk of Fame, 437
“Home Away from Home,” 352
“Honey, Hush,” 180
“Honey Love,” 198
“Hong Kong Blues,” 313
hootenannies, 102
“(Hot Damn!) I’m a One-Woman Man,” 420
“Hound Dog,” 197, 317, 318
“House of Blue Lights, The,” 68
Houston, 81
Howe, Bones, 407
Howlin’ Wolf, 157, 448
Hutcheson, Buck, 324
“I Am What I Am,” 424
“I Can’t Help it,” 94, 180
“If I Ever Needed You (I Need You Now),” 137
“I’ll Fly Away,” 64–65, 360, 410–11
“I’ll Make It All Up to You,” 280
“I’ll Sail My Ship Alone,” 280
“I’m on Fire,” 315, 320
“I’m Walkin’,” 366
In Concert (TV show), 377, 383–84
In Loving Memories (album), 361
Innocence, Anarchy, and Soul (TV show), 340
Internal Revenue Service, 406, 410, 417, 421, 424–25, 434, 437, 443–44
“In the Mood,” 68, 301
“I Overlooked an Orchid,” 402
Iowa, 286–90, 293–94
Ireland, 267, 426, 443
Iron Mountain Railroad, 26
“I Shall Not Be Moved,” 174
“It Don’t Hurt Anymore,” 137
“It’ll Be Me,” 182, 183
“It Was the Whiskey Talkin’ (Not Me),” 440–42
“It Won’t Happen with Me,” 304
“I’ve Been Twistin’,” 304
“I Walk the Line,” 160, 183, 190
“I Wish I Was Eighteen Again,” 407
Jackson, Neville, 105
Jackson, Wanda, 185, 187, 455
Jagger, Mick, 367, 453, 457
Jailhouse Rock (movie), 194, 228
Jamboree (movie), 219–20
James, Elmore, 156
James, Jesse, 41
James, Joni, 137
James, Sonny, 185, 187
J&M Studio, 111
Janes, Roland, 9, 163–65, 169, 183, 193, 219
Japan, 57, 60
jazz, 25, 72, 109, 198, 222, 235
“Jealous Heart,” 128
Jefferson, Thomas, 23
Jennings Waylon, 358, 426
Jerry Lee Lewis Enterprises, Incorporated, 371–72, 388, 389
Jerry Lee Lewis Spot, 443
“Jesus Gave Me Water,” 156
Jim Crow, 26, 80, 82, 146, 199, 222
Joel, Billy, 430, 431
“Johnny B. Goode,” 252, 255, 320, 377, 428, 430, 444
Johnny Cash Show, The (TV show), 350
Johnson, Bob, 172–75
Johnson, Robert, 154, 429
Jolson, Al, 2, 70, 71, 91, 103, 351, 436, 463, 470
Jones, George, 453
Jones, Grandpa, 142
Jones, Quincy, 148, 427
Jones, Tom, 322, 339
Joplin, Janis, 331, 366
Jordan, Louis, 69
jukeboxes, 84, 89, 153, 163, 198
jump bands, 69, 111
Kansas City, 78, 370–71
“Keep My Motor Runnin’,” 426
Keisker, Marion, 159
Keith, Toby, 453
Kennedy, Jerry, 320–22, 364–66, 391, 401–2
Killer Rocks On, The (album), 366–67
Kilroy, Eddie, 320, 332–33, 371
King, B. B., 88, 453, 454
King, Ben E., 299
King, Riley, 80
King, Sid, 179
Kings of Rhythm, 159
Klein, George, 279–80, 398
Knight, Graham, 339, 372–73
Korean War, 146, 164, 262
Kreis, Levi, 456, 457
Kristofferson, Kris, 346, 387, 416, 453, 455, 457
Lewis and, 346, 366, 415
KRLD, 179
Ku Klux Klan, 80, 146
KWKH, 69, 137
Laine, Frankie, 212
“Last Date,” 137
Last Man Standing (album), 453–55, 457
Las Vegas, 284, 350, 369, 398, 459
Lee, Albert, 368
Lennon, John, 4, 378, 393
“Let’s Talk About Us,” 298
Lewis, Arilla, 27
Lewis, Dorothy Barton, 105–9, 112, 135, 272
Lewis, Elmo Kidd, 2–3, 19–21, 27–37, 39–76, 84, 88, 95–96, 107, 114, 177, 227, 255–56, 265, 267, 291, 312, 396, 429
childhood of, 27–28
death of, 409
death of son Elmo, 48–49
divorce from Mamie, 301–2
jobs of, 39–41, 58, 65, 96, 131, 144, 155
music and, 65–69, 134, 144–45, 154–57, 160–62, 167–68, 302, 369, 408–9
in prison, 41–43, 47, 48–49, 66
relationship with Jerry Lee, 19–21, 39, 63, 65–69, 95–96, 141, 154–57, 161–62, 167–68, 178, 209–12, 253, 285, 301–2, 369, 371, 408–9, 469
Lewis, Elmo Kidd, Jr., 32, 37, 41, 42–43, 47–50, 409
death of, 47–50
Lewis, Frankie Jean, 19, 74, 178, 238, 266, 267
Lewis, Jane Mitcham, 135–37, 145, 192, 212–13, 220–21, 239, 265, 272, 351
Lewis, Jaren Pate, 363–64, 385, 393–95, 396, 408, 410, 417–18, 421
death of, 418
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 1–17
airplane of, 369–71
Apollo Theater performance, 221–24
arrests of, 399–400, 409–10, 423
bankruptcy of, 437
Chuck Berry and, 251–56
bigamy and, 272–77, 281
Big Beat tour, 251–56
birth of, 35–37
British tours, 264–76, 303–4, 306–9, 315–16, 367–74, 410, 418–19, 440
Caribou recordings, 411
Johnny Cash and, 171–76, 185–91, 213, 350, 415, 416
in Catch My Soul, 335–42, 467
censorship of, 197–201, 203, 206, 207
cheated by music industry, 178, 314, 317–18
childhood of, 2–4, 19–21, 35–37, 38–76
comebacks of, 346–49, 366–67, 450–54, 458
country music career, 332–34, 343–66, 374–77, 387–91, 410–11, 445
courtship of Myra, 236–40
death of brother Elmo, 47–50
death of his mother, 362–63, 372, 375, 381
death of son Jerry Lee, 380–82
death of son Steve Allen, 304–6, 328
declining career of, 280–85, 298–301, 313–15, 313–34, 436–37, 446–47
divorce from Jane, 220–21, 239, 265, 272
divorce from Kerrie, 446
divorce from Myra, 352–53, 395
early musical interests and influences, 50–52, 56, 64–76, 77–88, 91–95, 101–5, 123–53
early nightclub career, 103–5, 119, 122, 123–53
early recordings, 111, 146–52, 161–67, 179–84
education of, 56, 60, 67, 88–91, 97, 103
at Elektra, 406–7, 410–11
Elvis and, 169, 170, 171–76, 194–96, 208–9, 227–30, 234–35, 245, 259–63, 281, 284, 347–48, 350–51, 388–89, 395–404, 408, 441, 466, 468
as face of rock and roll, 221, 225, 263
fame of, 206–13, 314–15, 346–49
as a father, 136–37, 212, 220, 239, 297, 304–6, 312–13, 328, 351–52, 359, 361, 369, 379–82, 392–93, 434–35, 469
fearlessness of, 53–56, 184, 237
first paid musical performances, 102–5
first piano of, 65–66
first recording sessions, 163–67
Grammy Awards of, 434, 445
“Great Balls of Fire” and, 214–19, 220, 221, 224–25, 243, 250, 255, 263
hair of, 189, 205, 224, 234, 293, 297, 315, 367, 383, 416, 430
Haney’s Big House and, 77–88, 132, 215, 257, 292, 327
in Hollywood, 219–20, 230–34, 437
inappropriate behavior of, 196–201, 238, 242, 267–76, 286–96, 394–400, 423, 447
as the Killer, 91, 98, 189, 331–32, 368, 422–23, 453
Kris Kristofferson and, 346, 366, 415
lawsuits and, 385, 394–95, 420–21, 434–35
legacy of, 11–17, 242, 396, 404, 450–66
life on the road, 179–94, 247–50, 282–83, 286–309, 310–34, 346–47, 351–54, 367–82
live albums, 316–18
marketing of, 199–207, 219–21, 250, 258–59, 266, 300–301, 308, 314, 323
marriage to Dorothy, 105–9, 112, 135, 272
marriage to Jane, 135–37, 145, 192, 212–13, 220–21, 272
marriage to Jaren, 363–64, 385, 393–95, 396, 408, 410, 417–18, 421
marriage to Judith, 458–63, 465–66, 467
marriage to Kerrie, 425, 434–35, 437, 443, 444, 446
marriage to Myra, 240–47, 266–83, 297, 312–13, 328–29, 352–53, 437, 439
marriage to Shawn, 421–24
at MCA, 424
at Mercury, 327, 332–34, 343–49, 364–66, 387, 390–91, 401–2, 406
Mississippi River bridge incident, 52–54
money and, 11, 176–78, 210, 214, 221, 298, 314–18, 326, 358, 369, 373, 391, 401, 406, 417, 421, 424–25, 434, 437, 443–44
movie career, 219–20, 258–59, 300
movie depictions of, 437–40
Nashville and, 141–45, 321, 332–34, 347
1957 tours, 179–94
1958 tours, 247–58, 262–76
1959–63 recording sessions, 298–303
1959–63 tours, 286–309
1963–69 recording sessions, 314–22, 327, 332, 334, 343–49
1963–69 tours, 310–34, 347–54
1970s recording sessions, 361–69, 377, 379, 387, 390–91, 400–407
1970s tours, 367–87
1980s–90s recording sessions, 410–11, 424, 426, 436–37, 440–43, 445, 449
1980s–90s tours, 410, 417–21, 425–26, 440, 444–46
old age of, 10–17, 450–71
Opry show, 375–77
painkiller addiction, 415, 420–22, 450
at Palomino Club, 391–94
Paramount Theater performances, 243–44
performing style of, 16–17, 181, 184, 188–90, 193, 224, 234, 244, 292–93, 316,
329, 348–51, 392, 416, 455
Carl Perkins and, 169–76, 185–88, 191–92
Sam Phillips and, 155–84, 201, 207–20, 224–26, 234, 241, 277–83, 298–304, 313–35, 319, 340, 447–48
physical appearance of, 97–98, 189, 205, 208, 272, 315, 323–24, 367, 383, 416, 426, 430, 444, 458
physical decline of, 14, 391, 395, 400, 405–16, 419–20, 426–28, 444, 450–52, 458–62
piano technique of, 129–30, 193, 218, 244, 321, 349
pills and liquor, 11, 133, 191, 204, 235–36, 286, 293, 322–28, 353, 359–60, 372–74, 387, 388, 395–400, 408–12, 420–22, 426, 434, 441, 447, 452, 458
press on, 176, 224, 234, 267–80, 306–9, 340, 421–23, 438–39, 445, 448
radio airplay, 168, 194, 280, 300–301, 325–26, 366
rebirth as a rocker, 366–67
records sales, 196, 198, 206–13, 224–25, 251, 263, 343
relationship with his father, 19–21, 39, 63, 65–69, 95–96, 141, 154–57, 161–62, 167–68, 178, 209–12, 253, 285, 301–2, 369, 371, 408–9, 469
relationship with his mother, 56–57, 63, 103, 105, 108, 112, 134, 141, 209–10, 284–85, 301–2, 350, 355–63, 374–75, 416, 437
religion and, 43–47, 73–75, 105, 112–19, 131, 215–17, 226–27, 229, 305, 354, 356–58, 360–61, 363, 437, 441, 452, 455
road bands of, 164, 181, 193, 222, 223, 317, 324, 329–31, 351–52, 372, 407, 412
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, 427–31
scandal over Myra, 266–83, 298
sewing machine scam, 119–22
at Smash, 314, 315, 319–22, 332
Star-Club performance, 316–18
star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 437
stomach problems, 400, 413–16, 426–27
Sun Records and, 155–84, 201, 207–19, 224–26, 234, 277–83, 298–304, 313–15, 319, 321, 447–48
Jimmy Swaggart and, 226–27, 247, 356–58, 412–13, 416, 432–36, 438, 455
tax problems, 11, 406, 410, 417, 421, 424–25, 434, 437, 443–44
on television, 200–209, 224, 250–51, 266–67, 291, 315–16, 319, 327–28, 340, 347–50, 377–79, 383–84, 392, 400, 404, 410, 416–18, 424
theater career, 335–42
2000s–10s recordings, 453–55, 457–58
2000s–10s tours, 452–57, 460–61
unreleased Sun recordings, 280–83, 314
violence and, 11, 12, 254–58, 282, 286–96, 324, 332, 353, 371–74, 381, 385, 388–90, 394–400, 422–23, 461
virginity of, 100–101, 106–7
Paul Whitehead and, 123–30, 152–53
“Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” and, 146–52, 181–84, 194, 206–13, 219, 263
as a womanizer, 12, 13, 97–101, 105–9, 114, 133–37, 150, 181, 184, 192, 207–8, 212, 214, 230, 236–44, 265, 293, 310–11, 316, 323, 325, 328, 353, 417, 420, 425, 458, 463, 465
See also specific songs and albums
Lewis, Jerry Lee, Jr., 136–37, 192, 212, 239, 351–52, 379–82, 469
birth of, 136–37
death of, 380–82